



Faculty & Staff

Faculty & Staff


James Emmette Neel副教授 
多丽丝·温赖特肯尼迪艺术中心 & 阿扎尔的工作室

吉姆·尼尔的雕塑, drawings and photography have appeared in regional and national exhibitions that include Winston-Salem's Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, 新奥尔良当代艺术中心, 蒙哥马利艺术博物馆, and the Alexandria Museum of Art as well as academic galleries at Memphis State University, 密西西比州立大学, the University of Montevallo and the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Working as a freelance photojournalist covering the wars in Central America and life and death among the Serpent Handling Holiness of Appalacia, his work has appeared nationally and internationally in over thirty newspapers, 杂志和精装出版物,包括 洛杉矶时报杂志, the 孟菲斯商业上诉, the 伯明翰新闻 and 文章预示着, 牛津美语 magazine, Esquire 杂志和丹尼斯·科文顿的 《澳门新葡京官网》《蛇的荣耀, and 红脖子里维埃拉.

Steve Cole史蒂夫·科尔教授 
多丽丝·温赖特肯尼迪艺术中心 & 阿扎尔的工作室
B. S. and M.A.波尔州立大学

A work of art completes itself when the viewer is an active participant. My hope is that the audience of my work will interact on several levels. 我的意图是将游戏与我们对游戏的原始需求完美地联系起来.

多丽丝·温赖特肯尼迪艺术中心 & 阿扎尔的工作室

凯文握手 is the printmaking area coordinator for Birmingham-Southern College. 他教基础艺术课程和各级版画. 他以B的成绩毕业.F.A. 2002年获得阿克伦大学版画与绘画学士学位. He then attended the University of Delaware where he received his Masters of Fine Arts in Printmaking in 2004. He was the Chair of the Art and 艺术历史 Department from 2012-2016 and served as the Director of the 德宾画廊 from 2011-2014. He recently served as Art Program Director for the Big Read Grant from the National Endowment for the Arts responsible for curating and installing the Lesley Dill exhibition Lesley Dill and Emily Dickenson: Poetry and Art.

Shook’s artwork investigates the perception of a reality that is filtered through media. Images are assembled through a range of print media and installations inviting the audience to investigate the connections of the subjects. The viewer’s participation in this visual dialog completes the work.

Shook’s work has been exhibited in regional and national exhibitions that include the Space One Eleven Gallery, Birmingham, Alabama; Delaware Art Museum and Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts, Wilmington, Delaware; Mesa Arts Center, Mesa, Arizona; Orange County Center of Contemporary Art, Santa Ana, California; Nor Jea Galleries and Millworks Gallery, Akron, Ohio; Spaces Gallery, Cleveland, Ohio; Eagle Art Gallery at Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky; Landmark Gallery at Texas Tech School of Art, Lubbock, Texas; Berea College; Berea, Kentucky; Crane Arts and Painted Bride Art Center, 费城, Pennsylvania; Wellsville Creative Arts Center, Wellsville, New York; Morgan Conservatory; Cleveland, Ohio; and participated in the Monumental Ideas Miniature Books, Invitational; Traveling Exhibition of miniature Artist’s Books to 17 states, Argentina, Spain, Japan, 韩国和中国.

B.A., M.A.南卡罗来纳大学

Timothy B. 史密斯教授古代课程, medieval, and early modern European art history; classes in ancient Mesoamerican art; and Exploration term study abroad projects in London, Paris, and Rome. His research has focused on Italian Renaissance art and architecture and Roman art and archaeology. He has spoken and published widely on the architecture and decoration of Sienese reliquary shrines, particularly the chapels of Saint John the Baptist in Siena Cathedral and Saint Catherine of Siena in San Domenico, 他也是这本选集的特约编辑之一 中世纪晚期和文艺复兴时期锡耶纳的艺术政治 (Ashgate, 2012). His current book project explores the visual environments created for three major sacred treasures in Renaissance Siena, and underscores both continuities and innovations in images employed in the Sienese cult of relics.


"Queer Fragments: Sodoma, the Belvedere Torso, and Saint Catherine's Head," forthcoming in 《古代接受》,《性别接受 (布瑞尔,2014年).

浸信会教堂外立面的政治与古代>,载于 中世纪晚期和文艺复兴时期锡耶纳的艺术政治 (Ashgate, 2012).

"Siena, the Holy Land, and the Chapel of Saint John the Baptist," in 锡耶纳共和国的最后宣言 (Academia Senese degli Intronati, 2008).

Kathleen Spies,艺术史助理教授

B.A., St. 奥拉夫学院,诺斯菲尔德,明尼苏达州
M.A. and Ph.D.印第安纳大学布卢明顿分校

凯瑟琳·斯皮斯是一位研究1850-1950年美国艺术的专家, and teaches upper-level courses in 19th and 20th century European and American art, 还有艺术调查. 她对性别问题特别感兴趣,race, class, 和国籍, 以及“高雅”艺术如何与流行文化相互作用. She has published on Thomas Eakins's portraits and nervous illness in the 19th century, and on the burlesque paintings and prints of urban realist Reginald Marsh. 在伯明翰南方大学任教之前,博士. Spies was a fellow at the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C. Her current research involves images of female performers and popular entertainment during the 1920s and 1930s.

Pamela Venz,助理教授我是Pamela Venz教授 
多丽丝·温赖特肯尼迪艺术中心 & 阿扎尔的工作室

在阿拉巴马州伯明翰出生并长大, I received my BA degree in sculpture and photography from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 1983 and a MFA degree from the Ohio State University in 1985.

I joined the faculty at Birmingham-Southern College in 1988 and created the department’s concentration in photography in 1998. 我在2001年获得终身教职, served as Department Chair from 2006-2010 and was promoted to Full Professor in 2009.

My work has been exhibited locally in galleries around Birmingham, 横跨东南地区, southwest, 以及大西洋中部的画廊和博物馆, 捷克共和国也是如此.  In 2004 I was awarded an Alabama State Council on the Arts Artist Fellowship.

As a photographer I am attracted to light: either the absence of it or the delicacy of it within a particular scenario.  The light captured in the photographic images is the light found in the environment within which I am photographing.Â我不改变场景, 而是有意地寻找无意的静物, 或生动的场面, 因为它们存在于这些空间中.  There is a formal compositional structure that is captured with the camera.Â但在结构形式中有些东西是歪斜的.  Most commonly they are items of day-to-day activity that break against the formality of the composition and hide within the shadows or in small spaces waiting to emerge from the image after a second or third viewing.  They are the details of life that we tend to overlook, those details that make life “human”.

尽管人们认为照片是真实的或“真实的”, 拍摄场景的机械行为改变了它.  It is that change and its cloak of believability that I find fascinating about photography and that brings me back time and again to the mundane activities of home.  There is a hidden richness there; quiet and unassuming revealed through light and shadow.

多丽丝·温赖特肯尼迪艺术中心 & 阿扎尔的工作室


Ms. Judy E. Pandelis
Manager of the College Theatre Box Office/Academic Programs Secretary/Art & 艺术史、音乐系和戏剧系
多丽丝·温赖特肯尼迪艺术中心 & 阿扎尔的工作室